Skin Elargy

Skin Elargy

 Skin Elargy a woman was washing her face at the same time as she was trying to remove all traces of impurities from it. She washed with cold water and soap and scrubbed well for about three minutes. The smell of water from the tub filled the kitchen. She could taste the freshness in her mouth. Her skin looked dry, but when she rubbed the top layer gently with warm water, she felt like she was breathing fire. The smell overwhelmed her senses. It made her feel dizzy and dizzy, and then her eyes were blurry. As if she had been drinking something black. But she couldn't understand what it was, so she wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked up at her ceiling for help, she suddenly heard that someone in downstairs was yelling and shaking. "What is going on" The voice sounded louder than before It was coming from outside She tried to find out who it was. As she opened the door and saw the tall man, he came closer and stood behind her and asked again "What is going on Are you OK? She was confused, but after some more questions from him, he showed her there was no one inside the house so she went back upstairs. The next day, he asked her if she wanted breakfast, but she said yes and continued working. It was late in the evening when the sun was shining through the windows. Somehow, the room was still dark, and the lights were off in most rooms. There was only one light on in the bathroom. When she walked into the toilet and found herself standing in front of this body-washing sink, she immediately realized that there were many people working in the kitchen. Someone brought the sink into the dining room; others carried food. They seemed very busy, but they moved too fast, so their clothes were ragged and dirty. There were always sooty glasses and mops that had to be cleaned every day, even though cleaning them was disgusting, so she didn't mind it any longer. What was happening in the kitchen was not expected, but such an atmosphere created a sense of uneasiness in her. She also did not forget about the old person who worked hard, even his name was different from hers, which left a mark on her heart. So many things happened in that place, and she was glad that one afternoon she could spend quality time with her husband, and she wasn't rushed by those events. That night, she heard someone knocking at the window; she wondered who it was, but she was afraid that it was not related to her. After midnight, the whole kitchen was silent. No wind was blowing or leaves blowing, it was just the sound of air moving, and everything seemed calm and quiet. A few moments later, a loud clap came, and someone was banging down the door, yelling that there was blood everywhere. Suddenly, something fell and hit the floor. Then someone laughed, the noise grew louder, it became harder and harder until eventually someone was screaming again. It was a young girl, and she could not move. Her head hurt, and she screamed. This is how she would never sleep again. However, no one believed her, and her neighbors told her that there was nothing wrong.

The next morning, there was a strange scene in the kitchen. Once again, the owner of the restaurant was waiting for customers, but the guests were always rushing through the kitchen, so he decided to leave two tables open, and let everyone sit there. It was 11 am, but people were still arriving, so he let his assistant keep serving them. One woman came out and sat in the corner, and soon a group of other guests came, sitting and chatting in silence, but gradually a huge rush of men came. He heard a shout and ran into the kitchen. People stared at each other awkwardly; then the waitress arrived and took the server's order. Before she could finish talking, there was an abrupt movement. Everyone gasped, and then a big bang startled everyone around. The entire table was smashed into pieces, then fell over, and a pile of bricks rose above everyone's heads. All hell broke loose! The owner screamed and pulled himself towards the doorway like a wild animal chasing its prey. At least five people died that day, but no one was injured. Their bodies were lying in piles of white dirt over a hundred feet wide. The ground was strewn with broken chairs and glassware scattered across the floor. An hour later, it became clear that the building had been attacked, and the town was destroyed, but no one knew anything about these casualties. It was raining when the whole city was flooded. And when people returned home, they found a piece of tile on the roof, probably made by someone who climbed to the top of the chimney and fell to death there. There was no trace of anyone, not even the owners of the shops and restaurants.

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