Dry Lips
It is the winter solstice, the season when the air is crisp and cold; it starts with a bright yellow sun and runs through the snow all summer. No one can go out into the wind because of the weather conditions. The roads are icy and snow has fallen on everything in my eyes; I do not want to go outside. But there's something else that keeps me from going out - dry lips! My lips are so dry as if they have never seen smoke, or any other scented things before. I don't know why- I think I should get some medicine for dry lips but then remember how hard my lips are, that's something to worry about. My mother used to give hot water to her mouth, but she took so long to drink, I sometimes wonder how this makes my tongue feel. Why her throat was fine... I was born in Africa and lived most of my life in the desert. When I came to America, I knew nothing about the rest of the world. When I started school, the teacher told me that people thought I was an American girl, and we were taugh...